Sumak Kawsay

Church of Good Living

sumak kawsay

Our Philosophy

As a living culture, we incorporate into our rituals and ceremonies spiritual practices that we have learned from the original wisdom keepers. These rituals are complex systems that require dedication and careful administration by those who lead them.

The ministers of the church, known as Yachay or Kurakas, go through rigorous and lengthy apprenticeship processes. Their education goes beyond mastering our rituals, making self-discovery a daily habit.

For traditional doctors or healers, the cultivation of self-awareness is seen as a spiritual practice. Coming from ancient schools of thought, we believe that art is a tool to nurture self-awareness. We affirm that art cultivates culture, and it is our responsibility as healers to foster a culture of growth to better support and help others.

Our church leaders are trained in ancient practices and generously share them. They transmit these practices while maintaining their ethical principles, serving as pillars of the community.

Our tradition speaks of harmony and a peaceful relationship between the mind, emotion, body, and spirit. We believe in expanding our universe with more possibilities, which leads to a more harmonious coexistence and, consequently, to healthier lives.

Given our Andean heritage, our main sacraments or medicinal master plants, central to our altars, come from this region. The tobacco plant and the San Pedro cactus are considered essential for our spiritual growth, both individually and as a community. These are ancient tools for communion. Corn and other native Andean crops are also part of the range of plants that we incorporate into our practices,